
AOP Volaille de Bresse, 100% Cocoricooo!

First and foremost, Bresse poultry is unmistakable. It's the only one to have earned the distinction of Protected Designation of Origin. It has been recognized as a unique product of excellence for several decades, just like its fellow Jura wines. It proudly sports the three patriotic colors: the "blue" of its legs, the "white" of its immaculate plumage and the "red" of its crest.

Geographical area & food :

Its geographical area covers 275 communes in Saône-et-Loire, Ain and part of Jura (in Bresse jurassienne), i.e. 3,536km². On the one hand, each bird must have at least 15m² of meadow and a spacious henhouse. On the other hand, the terroir must feature fat grass meadows with silico-clay soil. They must be composed of a diversified fauna (worms, molluscs, insects, seeds, etc.).

In fact, one third of the poultry's feed must come from this source. However, the rest of the feed is provided by the breeder, a mixture of wheat and corn seeds. All of which must come exclusively from the Bresse poultry PDO zone. Finally, they are placed in a wooden cage, known as a "spruce cage", for 10 days. They rest and fatten on a mixture of cereals and buttermilk. After slaughter, they are swaddled. This ancestral gesture is not preserved for its folklore, but rather for its influence on taste and texture.

The story of a chicken like no other:

By 400 BC, in Roman times, invaders were on the move with their livestock. As a result, local breeds assimilated their best contributions.

Then, in 1591, the inhabitants of Bourg-en-Bresse offered two dozen birds to the Marquis de Treffort, who had succeeded in driving off the Savoyard troops. Even then, Bresse poultry was recognized as an offering.

In 1825, Brillat-Savarin called Bresse poultry "the queen of poultry, the fowl of kings", in his book "The Physiology of Taste".

Today, in Bresse, we breed the classic Gallic strain as well as the so-called "Crête Pâle" strain. Growth is slow, but that's what makes these birds so tasty.

A mark of nobility for Bresse poultry:

The Bresse Poultry PDO encompasses four Bresse specialties.

Le Bresse chicken is the best known. It is raised for four months on grassland, weighs at least 1.3 kg and can be either male or female.

La Poularde de Bresse is a female that has not yet laid eggs. She is reared for five months, is fatter and weighs at least 1.8 kg.

The Bresse turkey reaches maturity in December. Called the " Perle Noire de Bresse", it weighs a minimum of 3 kg and is a delight at any festive table.

Le Bresse capon is a castrated rooster. It is fattened for four months and weighs a minimum of 3 kg.

You can also recognize your Bresse poultry by these distinctions:

  • Identification ring on left leg showing breeder's name and address
  • Specific label Poulet de Bresse
  • Tricolor seal affixed to the base of the neck, giving the name of the slaughtering facility
  • PDO label and logo
  • Identification seal for capons and poulards.

"Often copied, never equaled!"

Bresse poultry has an inimitable taste, with firm, melting flesh thanks to the good fat that perfects the flavor during cooking. Notes of whey can be detected.

No frills for our Bresse poultry. All it needs is to be roasted, steamed, poached or creamed. Serve for Sunday lunch with family or friends, accompanied by a good glass of wine.

So consider Bresse chicken with morel mushroom sauce and Vin Jaune on your festive tables!

Idée recette : Poulet de Bresse à la jurassienne

"Le Bon vin fait liesse, quand Poulet vient de Bresse."

Confrérie des Poulardiers de BressE